Manual and Power Wheelchair Prescription

Manual and Power Wheelchair Prescription workshop banner image

This two day intensive prescription workshop is ideal for new prescribers or for those wishing to enhance their skills in wheelchair prescription. On day one we’ll focus on manual wheelchairs, and on day two it will be power wheelchairs in the spotlight. Case studies will highlight the important of interpreting assessment results, and we’ll look at which features and materials can facilitate your clients achieving their goals.

On completion of this workshop, you will:

  • Describe information required to inform the prescription process, including key measurements
  • State client goals and features of manual/power wheelchairs that will support achievement of these goals
  • Describe the features of manual/power wheelchairs that support clients in their chosen environments
  • Understand the impact of centre of gravity position on propulsion, handling and safe use of manual/power wheelchairs
  • Describe the impact of materials and configuration on a manual wheelchair’s weight and propulsion
  • Understand when options such as motor size, suspension type, tracking stabilisation and electronic wheel lock, amongst others, are necessary rather than desirable
  • Understand the interaction between seating and power positioning features