Permobil Clinical Pathways presents: Under Pressure + Isolating your Cushion Choice with ISO Standards (Newcastle)

Permobil Clinical Pathways presents: Under Pressure + Isolating your Cushion Choice with ISO Standards (Newcastle)
When considering cushion selection for wheelchair users we are often confronted with multiple claims in relation to pressure redistribution qualities. Do we as clinicians understand enough to help educate ourselves and our clients on best practice for prevention of pressure injuries? Pressure injuries (PI) are mostly preventable, so why are we still seeing such high rates around the world? How do we critically analyze cushions and have the confidence that we have applied the appropriate information into our clinical reasoning processing? What objective data can we use to assist us when considering potential equipment solutions? 
This session will review the etiology of PI development and the latest evidence around preventative best practice. NDIS asks for evidence around standards but what do these standards tell us and how can we apply this information? ISO standards provide an objective, scientific laboratory analysis of support surfaces. These tests measure the critical characteristics of wheelchair cushions. This includes tissue protection, positioning, and enhancing the ability to perform ADLs for a wheelchair user. The session will then draw this information together and provide practical hands on opportunities to select appropriate equipment for individual needs through a range of case scenarios.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Name the 6 classifications of pressure injuries
  2. Describe 3 current practices to assist with the prevention of pressure injuries
  3. Understand key ISO tests including how the tests are carried out and what the outcomes mean
  4. Understand which performance metrics may provide insights to guide support surface selection
  5. Critically analyse support surfaces as they relate to client goals


Thursday 17th October, 2024

9am – 4pm

GTK Newcastle: Unit 1, 54 Riverside Drive, Mayfield West NSW 2304 


Meet the Presenter: Tracee-Lee Maginnity (Permobil) 

Tracee-Lee Maginnity joined Permobil Australia in July 2019, as a clinical education specialist. Originally from New Zealand, she graduated Auckland University of Technology with a BHSc (Occupational Therapy) in 2003 and has since worked in various roles related to seating and mobility including assessing, prescribing and educating. After gaining experience as an assessor and prescriber at Seating To Go / Wheelchair Solutions in prescribing for both disability and injury, she moved to Australia in 2011 to take on the Senior Occupational Therapist role in a custom moulded seating service. She then worked in clinical consulting and education roles until joining Permobil.

Tracee-Lee is passionate about maximising functional outcomes with end users and the importance of education within the industry. She has mentored many therapists interested in AT. Her experience includes working with complex postures to achieve custom outcomes. Tracee-Lee is also an international wheelchair rugby classifier where she enjoys the task analysis of wheelchair propulsion and functional capacity identification of athletes.

Tracee-Lee Maginnity - Pressure + Standing (Newcastle)