Leckey Mygo Seat

The Mygo Seating System is a therapy chair that grows with its user without sacrificing optimum posturing for pelvic support. Designed for children aged 3- 14, the paediatric seating and positioning solution gives young people a individualised therapy chair that can be adjusted with their growth to provide strong pelvic support designed to correct poor posturing.

The Mygo Seating System comes in two sizes that easily adjust for the users size and needs, becoming an optimal long term therapy chair which can be adjusted as the users’ needs change. This pediatric seating system offers an extensive range of adjustable supports which can be individualised to fit complex posturing needs.

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Leckey Mygo seat close up of pelvic belt
Postural support

The Mygo Seating System employs Leckey’s four point harness designed to ensure excellent pelvic positional support in order to promote comfort and correct posturing. Easily adjusted from the centre buckle, the four point pelvic harness provides stable and adjustable support. Alongside the range of trunk, head, leg and foot positioning adjustments, the Four Point Pelvic Harness provides a foundation of optimal postural support that grows with the child.

Leckey Mygo seat close up of lateral supports
Designed for comfort
The highly adjustable feet, leg, pelvic, trunk and head support allows the Mygo Seating System to be finely adjusted to the comfort and postural needs of its user. Lateral supports alongside an array of specialist headrests can also be used to provide optimal postural support as a therapy chair that grows with its user.
Leckey Mygo seat close up of chest harness
Everyday Functionality

Through a highly adjustable fame and supports, the Mygo Seating System is perfect for everyday use. This paediatric seating and positioning solution gives its users room to move, with a chest harness designed with removable shoulder straps allowing individuals to move their arms freely and independently.

Activities such as playing, eating, or chatting with friends are made easy in the Mygo Seating System, with an optional activity table and easy to use chassis making it perfect for the classroom.

Leckey Mygo seat side view
Comfort at every height

The Hi-Low Chassis gives the Leckey Mygo Seating System easy height adjustability for all heights around the home, making the role of the parent and carer easier. Everyday functionality is paramount with the Mygo Seating System.

Leckey Mygo seat on Zippie Iris
Now available on the Zippie Iris wheelchair

The Mygo Seat now able to interface with the Zippie Iris tilt-in-space manual wheelchair for the ultimate seating and mobility solution.


Leckey Mygo Seat four point belt
4-point attachments on both pelvic harness and Pelvic Cradle ensure they stay in the correct anatomical position for optimum support.
Leckey Mygo Seat sacral support
Flexible sacral support assists in the correction or accommodation of pelvic tilt.
Leckey Mygo Seat hip guides
Hip guides provide midline positioning and lateral support, and can be off-set to accommodate asymmetries.
Leckey Mygo Seat back adjustment
Back angle adjusts from the anatomically correct position ensuring lateral supports stay in the appropriate place when the seat back is reclined.
Leckey Mygo Seat scoliosis
Flexible scoliosis can be managed by using the lateral supports in conjunction with the pelvic harness to provide 3-point positioning.
Leckey Mygo Seat chest pad

The Mygo Seat can be fitted with a chest pad or harness depending on the level of additional trunk support required.

Leckey Mygo Seat split seat base
The split seat base enables windsweeping postures to be accommodated. A range of up to 13° abduction and 10° adduction may be achieved, whilst offsetting the hip guides can aid in accommodating more extreme windsweeping.
Leckey Mygo Seat leg guides
The leg guides can be adjusted for leg length differences including those caused by a fixed pelvic rotation.
Leckey Mygo Seat foot supports
The foot supports can be positioned behind the knees taking the strain off tight hamstrings and promoting pelvic stability.

Chassis options

Leckey Mygo seat on indoor base
Indoor base (gas/powered/hydraulic)
Leckey Mygo seat on indoor outdoor base

Indoor/outdoor base (gas/powered/hydraulic)

Leckey Mygo saet on mobility base

Mobility base

Available options and accessories 

Technical specifications

Seat specifications
Size 1Size 2Size 3
Age3 to 10 years8 to 14 years10 to 16 years
User height1050mm - 1500mm1270mm - 1680mm1500mm - 1750mm
User weight18kg - 50kg18kg - 60kg18kg - 70kg
Seat depth270mm - 420mm350mm - 470mm350mm - 470mm
Seat width200mm - 325mm220mm - 345mm 250mm - 400mm
Backrest height360mm - 470mm460mm - 570mm460mm - 570mm
Seat to sandals215mm - 350mm315mm - 470mm315mm - 470mm
Chest width170mm - 270mm170mm - 270mm200mm - 300mm
Armrest height160mm - 210mm210mm - 260mm 210mm - 260mm
Knee width90mm - 110mm120mm - 140mm120mm - 140mm
Backrest angleProne: 10°
Recline: 25°
Prone: 10°
Recline: 25°
Prone: 10°
Recline: 25°
FootplateAbduction: 8°
Adduction: 12°
Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion: 10°
Abduction: 8°
Adduction: 12°
Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion: 10°
Abduction: 8°
Adduction: 12°
Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion: 10°
Tray size550mm x 480mm550mm x 480mm550mm x 480mm
Base specifications
Indoor chassis (Gas Spring Foot Pedal) hi-lo range340mm - 655mm
Indoor chassis (Hydraulic Foot Pedal) hi-lo range325mm - 615mm
Indoor chassis (Powered Height adjustment) hi-lo range370mm - 675mm
Indoor/Outdoor Chassis (Gas Spring Foot Pedal) hi-lo range390mm - 690mm
Indoor/Outdoor Chassis (Hydraulic Foot Pedal) hi-lo range380mm - 670mm
Indoor/Outdoor Chassis (Powered height adjustment) hi-lo range420mm - 710mm
Tilt in space rangeProne: 10° | Supine: 25°
Base weight12kg
Warranty Information
A three year warranty is provided on all Leckey manufactured products and components.

Product Compliance with Relevant Standards 
The Leckey Mygo Seat has been tested to and complies with the following standards:

  • ISO 13485:2016page1image56240064 page1image56233728 page1image56234304 

ARTG Certificate: 298443 

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